Dr. iur.
Christian Schmid MCL


Work Experience


csc law | Dr. iur. Christian Schmid (since 2020)

Partner and Counsel Bratschi AG (1986-2020)

Associate Bratschi Emch & Partner (1983-1985)

Associate Kopp & Vetsch, Zürich (1981-1983)

Associate Baker & McKenzie, Zürich (1979-1981)

Clerkship Superiour Court of Zürich (1978-1978)

Clerkship District Court of Zürich (1977-1978)

Junior Clerkship District Court of Zürich (1976-1977)



University of Michigan, Master of Comparative Law (1979)

University of Zürich, Doctor of Law; Thesis "Irreführende Werbung" (“False Adverstising”), Magna cum laude (1976)

University of Zürich, Law Degree, Magna cum laude (1973)

Gymnasium Freudenberg, Zürich (Matura 1969)



Swiss Bar Association

Zürich Bar Association

From 2001 to 2019 President of the Commanderie de Bordeaux of the German part of Switzerland, since 2010 Grand Maître Territorial for Switzerland and Italy

Mr. Jones needs a good lawyer


„Something is happening
but you don’t know what it is,
do you, Mr. Jones?“

– Bob Dylan, Ballad of a Thin Man (1965)

„I might need a good lawyer, could be your funeral, my trial.“

– Bob Dylan, Cry a While (2001)